The Croydon Photography Forum Virtual Edition with Joanne Frederick

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Lenses of Croydon is back with another event to help keep photographers across the world feeling connected and inspired.

In response to the Prime Minister declaration on Saturday that all of London will go into the newly created tier 4, we have decided to resume the meetings of the Croydon Photography Forum. Lenses of Croydon see this as our little part in supporting people who have an interest in photography to connect with other creatives.

We are proud to be hosting Joanne Frederick, a member of our Lenses of Croydon family. Joanne is someone who fell in love with photography after exploring several different genres and beginning to establish herself as an event and portrait photographer regularly uses her images in blog posts that she creates.

Joanne has recently started to use her hidden talent as an artist to create items that she later photographs and is developing a variety of personal projects as her mind explodes with new creative ideas.

Speaking at the forum is a massive step for Joanne, who enjoys remaining below the radar surfacing to brandish her affectionately warm smile and words of encouragement.

This evening’s talk promises to be fun and encouraging as a member of our group shares their creative journey, fears, victories and how photography with its accompanying community has impacted her life for better or worse, with no immediate plans to part., and she