The Croydon Photography Forum Virtual Edition with Sandra and Mary

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Lenses of Croydon return with our first event of the year to help keep photographers across the world feel connected and inspired.

We are pleased to be hosting two of the newest members of our Lenses of Croydon family at this evening’s edition of the Croydon Photography Forum. Each of them will be sharing their journey and relationship with photography as they treat us to a visual feast of images they have each independently made over the past decade and beyond.

Sandra Roberts is a self-taught photographer based in the Ciociaria area of central Italy. She describes herself as having caught the photography bug ten years ago and has since enjoyed the experience of witnessing her interests and practice evolve.

As an outdoor photographer, Sandra enjoys the art of walking to find her photographs and enjoys documenting the changing and different environments around her.

Sandra’s photographs focus on the changes man has made to the landscape, from built structures that alter the land form and the marks man’s behaviour and actions have made on any given location. In urban areas, she captures the fleeting moments when people pass her by, and the found pictures of moments of interest that catches her eye.

Mary Thompson has had a camera in her hand for almost all her life but has only succeeded in seeing herself as a photographer in the last 10-12 years.

She has tried making individual image photography and having projects to work on until she finally landed on documentary photography as the best way to think about herself and her photography. This has given her the space to combine her passions and politics with her photography and, in so doing, finds a sense of satisfaction in what she does.